Our Mission is To help make Amherstburg the best small town in Ontario to live, to visit and to enjoy
The Amherstburg Community Foundation will enhance the quality of life and assist in meeting the needs of the Town of Amherstburg, its residents and its visitors of by maintaining a charitable fund and applying all or part of the principal of that fund to those initiatives which benefit directly or indirectly those who make this town their home or choose to make it their vacation destination.
Striving to become the BEST small town in Ontario is a bold ambition but one that is achievable - by building upon the momentum generated by the Town’s tourism department in recent years and encouraging stakeholders, businesses and residents alike to invest in our future for the good of all.
Community Initiatives
Check out all of the great stuff we’re already doing in the community. Contribute to one of our causes or let us know about your own passion project.
Check out whats going on in the Amherstburg area.
Learn all about who we are, what we stand for, and our team.
Get In Touch
We’d love to hear from you! Shoot us an email.